Monday, November 16, 2009

Recipe on Request

Hi Anu, this is for you :-)

Fresh shelled pea soup (for 2)

1 tbsp oil
1 medium sized Onion
1 fat clove of garlic
1/2 inch ginger
1 cup green peas
3 cups water
Salt, Pepper to taste
Spinach leaves (Optional)
Coriander (Optional)

croutons (fried bread cubes)
Crisp bacon pieces (optional)


- Heat oil in a heavy based pan / pressure cooker
- Add in the crushed garlic clove, and the ginger. saute until golden and fragrant
- Add in the chopped onion. Saute until translucent.
- Add the peas, spinach, coriander etc and give it a good stir
- Add water after a minute or two
- Add in salt and pepper according to taste

Let cook over slow fire (without the whistle if cooking in a pressure cooker) for about 40 minutes atleast. Blend / Liquidise well.

Serve in warmed soup bowls with a swirl of cream and some croutons. You can also add some crispy bacon bits for that extra dash.

you'll know the soup's turned out right if its creamy ( and not runny) and the predominant flavor is the natural sweetness of peas.

Its the season for soups :-) Enjoy!